stuff cubed plus one

  • Democracy Through Cotton Wool

    Oh boy. What a match! Last night was seriously the best batting display I have ever witnessed. Unfortunately, due to staying up to some ungodly hour to watch the awesome display that was the Cricket World Cup final, my brain feels like it is fully surrounded in the fluffy white stuff and will not, under…

  • We Don’t Like Cricket

    Due to the absolute batting lesson we are dishing out to India in the Cricket World Cup final at this very moment, I am afraid I am going to be a bit tardy on today’s wisdom. It’s good to know that there is more than one extraordinary event transpiring on the face of this sorry…

  • The Present Time

    First things first: I have found my dream job. Now imagine you and I are playing a computer game together. This game involves diplomacy; perhaps like Civilization. Now let us imagine that I click on an action which lets me establish a diplomatic exchange between us. At the top of this dialogue is an area…