HTTP Humour

Today I posted this picture to an internal discussion at Atlassian on RESTful APIs.

Tombstone with \"410\" GONE engraved

Charles added some additional, thoughtful alternatives:

Depending on your belief or not in an afterlife/reincarnation, it could be 301 Moved Permanently, or if you believe John Edward, 305 Use Proxy.

Yes — we do think this is funny 🙂 If you do to, perhaps you should consider joining us?







3 responses to “HTTP Humour”

  1. Chris Avatar

    If the grave gets robbed would it be 404 Not Found?

  2. Carly Lyddiard Avatar

    Yes but it shouldn’t get robbed because every good graveyard has plenty of signs nearby: “403 Forbidden”… errr, ok. I’m tired, jaja.

  3. Oleg Avatar

    “509 Bandwidth Limit Exceeded” might be just the post-mortem to sum up one life’s pains and pleasures.

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