stuff cubed plus one

  • Nostalgia

    Oh my mighty God. Ikaruga arrived the other day in my mailbox, after I had to painstakingly scour the Internet for a place from which to purchase the PAL version, after the incredibly stupid GameNation/Atari Australia decided to can the Australian release, on the very day it was going to be released. I could go…

  • Rush Hour(s)

    Naturally, in a complete reversal to my previous post, the last few weeks of tardiness with regards to blogging can be directly attributed to the following events/calamities/excuses: Extreme pain inflicted during a paint ball session A university graduation ceremony A compulsively purchased surround sound system along with the associated painful re-organisation of my room (read:…

  • Worm-like Appendages

    While reports of my death may be a little premature, it would not be complete hyperbole to say that I have been fairly unwell in the last week or so. Suffice it to say that my recent blogging hiatus was not in fact due to a busy schedule or the usual bouts of extreme laziness…