stuff cubed plus one

  • Recent Acquisitions

    I will use today’s entry to elaborate a little on some software I managed to pick up at reasonable prices at the weeks end. It has certainly been a while since I have expended any kind of currency on such things but I have just produced my inaugural budget and one of the side effects…

  • Distress

    In hindsight, I guess it had to happen. You will be able to attribute the lateness and terseness of this post to the simple fact that Microsoft Windows — even in it’s XP incarnation — will invariably pack it in at some point in time. That point for me was yesterday, although the decline in…

  • Short is sweet

    This post will probably be most renown for it’s brevity than anything else. Events have conspired against me in having any significant amount of time to write about anything of an important — some may say interesting — nature. This was bound to happen. If you had given me any kind of odds for not…