Steamboat Skip's Cheap Comments
You've stumbled upon an interesting total irrelevency here.
You have reached the only online database of Steamboat Skip's Cheap Comments... in the entire WORLD!
How lucky for you. This is a collection of the most intelligent, relevent, witty comments ever brought forth straight from the horse's mouth (Soz, Skip).
If you have absolutely no idea what I am on about by now you will probably not be over excited by the contents of this database. For those select few who do, well, let 'em rip!
In no particular order:
- Thanks Josh, I owe you one (Except for this one, this was the one that started it all)
- Go back to where you came from!
- Here comes the mong!
- They're never too young
- But they're not DEAD!
- What's the go 'ere, ay?
- Right! Thats it!
- Where's Brett?
- On yer bike
- ...go trot off down there...
- Come on
- (I bought a book worth 50 dollars) Oh, yeah, how much was it?
- You can't complain
- You get ya money's worth
- (New South Wales University) New South Wales, where the hell's that?
- (English footballers) Where are they from?
- She'll be right
- It just IS
- They've just choofed off
- ...couldn't give a Rat's Patooti
- May be
- Could be
- Back on yer boat
- You can just tell
- Turn it up
- Hang on a tic, I've only got a little knob to hang on to!
- Are you a mong or what?
- Puttin' lets you down
- Fair enough
- (It expands to twice it's size) Yeah, from one milimetre to three
- Like a brick, it just hit the floor and expanded...
- Hopeless Chicks
- But I've only got a dollar!
- Thats ordinary
- She could do with a bit of work
- He's in up to his elbow
- Filthy Bastard
- I am not an animal!
- (Woodstock '94) I think it was held in the same place as the first one.
- No, I am going out with Phil
- We were f#$%ing there for 50 minutes...
- ... while the train was pulling off
This database will be updated regularly and I am sure new ones will most definately be added over the coming years.
Last updated : 1/5/97