The oYSTaFarm currently grows :

Oi! You have apparently surfed on in to the new Oysta Farm.... the king mollusc himself hopes you enjoy his new aqua-cultural product!

For those of you who are not educated, this is the homepage of oYSTa, who was, by the way, recently sledged again by Abuse-A- Tron with :

"You sniff under strange dogs' tails, you illiterate, dirtball licking, llama waving, lewd harbinger of a malodorous pervert!"


This page is still under heavy construction. As you can see I have been doing a bit of renovating so there is bound to be something that doesn't work properly. If you find an erroneous such-and-such, don't worry, I will probably crawl out of my shell and fix it up sometime soon. Also, this page looks ok on my browser, so if it doesn't look good for you, erm, well... too bad. Oh and by the way, I will remove this message this time when everything works and I have stopped buggering around with it :)

Store in cold environment. Live oysters can be refrigerated for at least one month. Storage temperature should be kept between 2 and 7 degrees celsius.

Greets 4 Peeps

Mr_Milk Nemesis Cyberwlf {Jester} Mach Zero PHiLB Butter KiDCiSCO

If you think I have neglected you, E-Mail me and I will pass judgement on your request

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